

St Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church strives to fulfil the spiritual needs of its members and community by providing church and related service in a manner consistent with the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church’s faith, values, and tradition.

Service is held on a Saturday morning at St Olave’s Church, Woodberry Downs, N4 2TW, until completion of the work on our new building.

Church opens at 4:00 A.M. and morning prayers (Matins begins at 4:30 A.M.)

Devine Liturgy begins at 6:30 A.M.

Provision of other social services such as:

  • Sunday School and Bible studies for children and adults
  • Religious counselling by the Clergy of the Church
  • Marriage, burial rites (Fithat), and baptism/christening services
  • Visiting and comforting the sick, the needy and the bereaved

Melake Sion Habte Mariam, Priest in Charge

Melake Sion Habte Mariam

Born in Guyana South America 22nd June 1955. Relocated to Britain in 1960 with family. Attended Highgate Primary school until 11 years of age, then Highgate secondary school until 16 years of age.

Mothers name: Diane Wilma Field; Fathers Name: Denis Albert Trenton Field; Two brothers: Keith and Brian Field
Apprenticeship: Cabinet making and Carpentry
College Education and Training in: Industrial Electronics; Microcomputer Engineering and Technology with data communication; Industrial Electronics

Introduction to the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) in 1975.
Baptised as EOTC member with the name, Habte Mariam, on 28th August 1977
Married to Maureen Marilyn Field (Wolete Mariam) on 28th January 1978;
Four children; Eleven grandchildren; one great grandchild.
First Ordained Deacon of St Mary of Sion EOTC London UK on 25th February 1979, together with three other Deacons: Tesfa Mikael Lewis, Habte Selassie mclymot and Tekle Haymanot.
Arrived in Addis Ababa Ethiopia on 17th July 1987, by the Invitation of His Holiness Abuna Tekle Haymanot in 1987 – 1988, (with two other Deacons: Melake Sion Tesfa Mikael Lewis, (Liqe Tiguhan Tekle Mariam Edwards arrived a few weeks later) to study in priest training Centre in Hamere Berhan St Gabriel Monastary in Zuwai, of Shoa Province, Ethiopia, under Tutorship His Eminence, Archbishop Abuna Gorgoreous II.
Ordained on 30th January 1988 (EC, 21st Ter 1981?), as priest (with two other priests: Melake Sion Tesfa Mikael Trevor Lewis and Liqe Tiguhan Tekle Mariam Colin Edwards) in St Mary’s EOTC, Addis Ababa (AA), Arat Kilo, by His Holiness Abuna Tekle Haymanot.
Graduated in Hamere Berhan, St Gabriel Monastery Zuwai, with Theology diploma on Sunday 6th March 1988.
Departed from Hamere Berhan, St Gabriel Monastery Zuwai on 24th July 1988 and spent the last three weeks in AA before returning to London UK.

Since returning to UK from Ethiopia in 1988, Tserhasion EOTC has relocated her place of worship nine times. Tserhasion EOTC purchased a building in 2011 (former brewery, theatre and night club to be converted into a place of worship, Church).

Currently Tserhasion EOTC, is raising funds to complete the building conversion with the help of the Ethiopian TV celebrity and comedian Eshetu from Donkey Tube TV.

Kesis Made Tsion Small, serving Priest of London Tserha Tsion St Mary of Zion Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

 Kesis Made Tsion Small

Kesis Amdetsion Small has faithfully served the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church since his ordination as a deacon in 2002. Following his ordination, he travelled to Ethiopia, where he devoted himself to the study of liturgical hymnody and the prayers of the canonical hours.

In 2022, Kesis Amdetsion was ordained as a priest by his Grace Archbishop Abune Yacob, further deepening his commitment to the church. He currently serves as the Keeper of the Sanctuary at Tserha Tsion St. Mary of Zion Church in London, where he continues his dedicated service to the congregation and the Church.
