This parish is the first EOTC to be established in the UK. It was founded on the 5th May 1974 with the arrival of Abune Yohannes, then known as Archimandrite Aregawi Welde Gebriel (May God rest His soul) and through the dedicated efforts of the English-speaking members of the Ethio-Caribbean community. We are delighted to have you here. Our church is a spiritual home rooted in Ethiopian Orthodox Christian traditions, offering a place of worship, community, and service.
Whether you are looking for information about our service, events, or how to get involved, we hope you find everything you need. May this site be a source of connection, inspiration and faith for you.
As members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, we are called to walk in the path of righteousness, carrying the light of Christ in our hearts and sharing His love with the world.
Our Church, founded upon the Apostolic teaching and nourished by the Holy Scriptures and Sacred Tradition, stands as a beacon of truth in an ever-changing world. In this journey of faith, we are reminded that our life is a spiritual pilgrimage, with our hearts set on the Kingdom of Heaven.
We encourage you to stay connected to the life of the life of the Church, participate in the Holy Sacraments, continue in the service of the Lord with zeal and devotion.
May the intercession of the Holy Mother of God, St Mary, and all the Saints be with us, and may the peace of the Almighty God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Glory be to God forever and ever. Amen
In Christ Love
Qesis Amde Tsion
Keeper of the Sanctuary